Dr. Ciencias del Mar
Capitán de la Marina Mercante
With this website, I intend to record my successes and failures achieved over 50 years dedicated to the commercial navigation, industrial safety and security in general
and maritime in particular, university teaching and research.
The information I provide has been repeatedly verified by official administrations, such as the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC), the Interministerial Commission of Science and
Technology (CICYT), the National Agency for the Evolution of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA), the National Evaluation Commission of the Research Activity (CNEAI), Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU), Planning and Evaluation
Office (UPC), Spanish Agency for Ibero-American Cooperation (AECI).
Date of birth: 2nd December 1946
Place of birth: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Email: ricardmar46@gmail.com
Officer apprentice | Nautical School Barcelona | 1964 |
Pilot of the Merchant Marine | Nautical School Barcelona | 1966 |
Captain of the Merchant Marine | Nautical School Barcelona | 1968 |
Expert in Health and Safety at work | National Institute on Health and Safety at work. Barcelona | 1980 |
Safety Enginner and Fire Chief | Texas A & M University (USA) | 1981 |
Lecturer on Shiphandling | Faculty of nautical studies | 1987 |
DOCTORATE (Ph. D.) | ||
Sea Sciences | Polithecnical University of Catalonia | 1991 |
Master mariner | Spanish merchant ships | 1964 - 1975 |
Firefithing chief | SOLVAY - Martorell - Barcelone | 1975 - 1987 |
Associate professor on shiphandling | Hight Nautical School | 1982 - 1985 |
Lecturer, professor on shiphandling and maritime safety and security | Hight Nautical School | 1987 - 1991 |
Lecturer | Nautical Sciences and Engineering University Department (DCEN), Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelone (FNB). Polithecnical University of Catalonia | 1991 - 2011 |
Head of DCEN | Polithecnical University of Catalonia | 1993 - 1999 |
Dean of the Faculty of Nautical Studies (FNB) | Faculty of Nautical Studies (FNB) | 2007 - 2010 |
Head of Maritime Protection Observatory | Development Ministery. General Direction of Merchant Marine | 2008-2009 |
- Participation in 55 national and international research projects on topics related to the sector and maritime activities.
- 46 books mainly related to maritime safety/security and ship maneuvering, as well as in port activities.
- Author of several articles published in specialized magazines maritime and industrial sector on safety and hygiene of labor activity in ships and fishing.
- Publication of 38 papers presented at Conferences and Seminars, both nationally and internationally.
- Direction of 20 doctoral thesis.
- Development of 120 technical reports on the investigation of maritime accidents. Judicial expert of the "PRESTIGE" case.
- Evaluator of projects of the National Plan (1997) (1998) (1999). PETRI, FEDER, CICYT, ATYCA
- Judge Advisor Duran i Farell Prize (2000)
- ANEP Evaluator, 2004
Director, coordinator of two Thematic Networks supported by the Spanish Agency for Ibero-American Cooperation (AECI) between 1999 and 2004, according to the following participation:
- September 1999. Universidad Federale Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- October 2000. Universidad Federale Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- October 2001. Esc. Sup. Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). Guayaquil. Ecuador
- August 2002. Universidad Federale Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- August 2003. National University of Engineering (UNI). Lime. Peru.
- September 2003. University Center "José A. Echeverría". Havana. Cuba
- February 2004. University Center "José A. Echeverría". Havana. Cuba
- October 2004. Universidad Federale Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
- Various collaboration stays with the University of Colima (Mexico) in the city of Manzanillo (2000-2006)
- Member of the Selection Committee of the CEN Department for the academic years 2001/2002 and 2002/2003, appointed by the Commission for the Selection of Professors and Researchers of the University (CSAPIU).
- Representative
of the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia in the Maritime Fishing Advisory Council, approved by the Board of the Interuniversity Council on October 28, 1999.
- Academic Director of the Doctoral Program of the Nautical Science and Engineering
Department, from its creation in 1991 until October 1997.
- Director of the Nautical Science and Engineering Department, from April 1993 to June 1999
- Elected member of the Teaching Commission, Academic Evaluation, Curricular
Evaluation (Nautical), Permanent Commission and Board of the Faculty of Nautical Studies (FNB) of Barcelona.
- Coordinator of the degree Degree in Nautical and Maritime Transport.
- Coordinator of the degree in Nautical
and Maritime Transport at ISO 9001: 94 of the FNB.
- Member of the Expert Committee d'Assessorament i Recerca, of the Pla de contaminació marina, Comissió de Protecció Civil de Catalunya. 2003
- Judicial
expert of the "PRESTIGE" case. Corcubión, February 20, 2007
- Founder and Director of the Dinamic Positioning Simulator (DP). Approved by de Nautical Institute, FNB-UPC, 2007-2010
- Dean of the Faculty of Nautical
Studies of Barcelone (FNB), 2007 – 2010
During the period 1998 to 2010, I gave the following courses to all the responsible persons in charge of the fleet of the Trasmediterránea:
Interpretation of the International Regulation for the prevention of collisions at sea (RIPA).
- Resolution of crisis situations in passenger ships and ISPS.
During the years 2008 to 2010 I directed, coordinated and taught the Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) Courses, accredited by the Nautical Institute (NI)
2. Marí, R.; González, E. (1989). Survival at the Sea. Madrid: Maritime Social Institute. I.S.B.N 84 86817 02 1
1. Marí, R.; González, E. (1988). Firefighting on board. Madrid: Maritime Social Institute. I.S.B.N 84 86817 01 3
3. Marí, R.; González, E. (1990). Prevention Techniques in Safety and Hygiene at Work on Board. Madrid: Maritime Social Institute. I.S.B.N 84 86817 05 6
4. Marí, R. (1991). Module 5. Program of Modules of Risks Professional prevention. Madrid: Mutua Metalúrgica.
5. Marí, R. (1991). Approach to the Fire Risk Assessment Method on Ships. Barcelona: Polithenical University of Catalonia (UPC). I.S.B.N 84 7653 112 2
6. Marí, R. (1992). Manual of Safety Procedures for Work Operations on Board. Madrid: Maritime Social Inst. I.S.B.N 84 86817 07 2
7. Marí, R.; González, E. (1992). References of Legislation and Bibliography aboutf Safety and Hygiene on Maritime Work. General Directorate of Labor of the Government of the Canary Islands. I.S.B.N 84 8029 030 7
8. Marí, R. (1994). Shipmaneuver. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 440-X
9. Marí, R. (1994) Prevention of Collisions at Sea. Analysis and Interpretation of the International Regulation. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 470 1
10. Marí, R .; Camblor, A. (1994). Nautical Astronomy. Transformation, Corrections and Origin Changes of Coordinate Systems. Oviedo: University of Oviedo. D.L. No. AS / 701-94
11. Marí, R .; Camblor, A. (1994). Kinematics and Dynamics in space. Navigation by Satellites. Barcelone: Edicions UPC. D.L.B.40372-94
12. Marí, R. (1997). Security. General Checklist for Merchant Ships. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 657 7
13. Marí, R. (1997) Security. General Checklist for Fishing Vessels Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 654 2
14. Marí, R. (1997). Security. Particular Checklist for Fires. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 658 5
15. Marí, R. (1997). Security. Particular Checklist for works. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 656 9
16. Marí, R. (1997). Accident report. Fire Application Checklist. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 655 0
17. Marí, R. (1997). Inspection checklists for the risks Control and Accidents analysis in the Maritime activities. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 653 4
18. Marí, R. (1998). Crisis Situations in Passenger Ships. Barcelona: Edicions UPC. I.S.B.N 84 7653 685 2
19. Marí, R. et alias (1998). Development of a typological parametric method of marine hydrocarbon containment barriers. Barcelona: UPC Publications. I.S.B.N. 84-8416-870-0
20. Marí, R. et alias (2001). Maritime and Multimodal Transport Engineering. Module of the Spanish Universities. Barcelona: UPC Publications. I.S.B.N. 84-7653-784-0
21. Marí, R. et alias (2001). Maritime and Multimodal Transport Engineering. Module of the Ibero-American Universities. Guayaquil, Ecuador). ESPOL. I.S.B.N. 9978-41-876-8
22. Marí, R. (2001). Application of high-speed vessels to the development of Short Sea Shipping in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea. Barcelona: UPC Publications. I.S.B.N. 84-7653-794-8
23. Marí, R., Librán A. (2002). Public Security in passenger ships. Barcelona. UPC editions.
24. Marí, R., et alias (2003). The transport of containers. Terminals, operability and casuistry. Barcelona. UPC editions. I.S.B.N. 84-8301-690-7
25. Marí, R., Librán A. (2003). Public security in passenger ships (II). Barcelona. UPC editions. I.S.B.N. 84-8301-692-3
26. Marí, R. et alias (2003). Quality management in maritime port-fishing activities. UPC publications. I.S.B.N. 84-7653-836-7
27. Marí, R., Santalices, Ramiro (2004). The ISPS Code and port codes. Barcelona. UPC publications. ISBN: 84-689-0741-3
28. Marí, R. (2004). Prevention and resolution of explosive threats on ships. Barcelona. UPC publications. ISBN: 84-689-0742-1
29. Marí, R. (2004). Harmonization of organizational schemes in emergencies of the different regulations applicable to ships. Barcelona. UPC publications. ISBN: 84-689-0743-X
30. Marí, R., Librán A. (2004). Operational methods in the ship-port interface in the ISPS application. Barcelona. UPC publications. ISBN: 84-689-0744-8
31. Marí, R. (2004). Coordination in the intervention on board of the State Security Forces and Bodies in the ISPS Code. Barcelona. UPC publications. ISBN: 84-689-0745-6
32. Marí, R., and Rodrigo, J. (2005). The security of the ports. Barcelona. Marge Books. Gestiona Collection. ISBN: 84-86684-28-5
33. Marí, R. et alias (2006). Protection of port facilities. Manual for the training of port facility protection officers. Barcelona. Marge Books. Collection Training manuals. ISBN: 84-86684-38-2
13. Doctoral thesis
1. Mesa Comenge, E. (July, 1993). Astronomical Navigation
in the eighteenth century. Main contributions. Department of Navigation Sciences and Techniques, University of La Laguna. Qualification, Cum Laude.
2. Poleo, Antonio J. (January, 1994). Maritime Traffic Control: Past, Present and Future of Safety in
Maritime Navigations. Dept. of Navigation Sciences and Techniques, University of La Laguna. Qualification, Cum Laude.
3. Dionis Melián, A. (July 1994). Conditions of Life and Comfort in Crews of the Merchant Port Fleet of Tenerife. Dept. of Maritime
Engineering, University of La Laguna. Qualification, Cum Laude.
4. Perera Marrero, J. (July, 1994). Transit Navigation Satellite System: Study on your Past, Present and Future Situation. Dept. of Navigation Sciences and Techniques, University of La Laguna.
Qualification, Cum Laude.
5. Olivella Puig, J. (July, 1994). Influence of Shallow Waters in the Interaction between Free Surface Waves and Ships. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
6. García Posadas,
S. (July, 1995). The Legal Protection of Seamen against the Risks of Exposure to Noise. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, upc. Qualification, Cum Laude.
7. Zamora Terrés, J. (November, 1996). The Free Trade Union of the Merchant Navy:
an Attempt of Union Union (1974-1985). Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
8. Martín Mallofré, A. (Desembre, 1997). Contribution to the Risk Assessment Method in the Transport of Dangerous Goods by
Sea as a Basis of Maritime and Port Management. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
9. Jaime i Pérez, R. (January, 1998). Considerations for the Sailing Evaluation as a Nautical Training Tool: Study of Current
Use, Maneuvering and Stability. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
10. Lara, Basilio (July, 1999). Security Program for a fishing terminal type, applied for the case of the inner port of Manzanillo, Colima, Mexico.
Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
11. García Maza, J. (April 2000). The human factor in the decision making of bridge officers in the navigation tasks. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification,
Cum Laude.
12. Marí Sagarra, F. (June 2000). Impact of the Human Factor on the Operability and Efficiency of Maritime Traffic Control. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
13. Martín Mallofré,
Juan. (February 2004). Treatment of faults of the goods transported in dry-box containers. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering,UPC. Qualification, Cum Laude.
14. Rodrigo de Larrucea, Jaime (July 2005). Instruments of stimulation of the Spanish
maritime industry: analysis and critical judgment. University Abad Oliba CEU. Excellent, Cum Laude.
15. Miravalles, Gerardo. (2005). New strategies for telecommunications on board ships. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Excellent, Cum
16. Leon Arias, Alex. (2007). Theory of the SAR search: mathematical multifactorial modeling for the determination of the effort in the separation of trajectories. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Excellent, Cum Laude
Santander Arroyo, A. Tatiana (2008). Free trade agreements and their effects on maritime trade: the case of Chile. Dept. of Nautical Science and Engineering, UPC. Excellent, Cum Laude
18. Rodrigo de Larrucea, Jaime (2010). Documentary aspects of multimodal
transport: the multimodal transport document. UPC. Excellent, Cum Laude.
19. Mazzucchelli Larralde, Eduardo (2010). Aerial controllers of Uruguay: comparative study of their work motivation in front of other technicians of the administration, related
to the management of people in civil aviation. University of Deusto. Excellent, Cum Laude.
1. Research, Definition and Conclusions to Determine the Work and Life Conditions in the Vessels (Fishing Vessels and the Spanish Merchant Marine). Social Institute of the Navy. 1986
2. MACNET / PROJECT FORMAC, Cooperation Program for
the Medical Assistance Centers Network. European Union Commission, Luxemburg (DGV Unit E-3). 1989
3. Safety Checklist for Fishing Vessels. DG-V, Luxembourg. 1989
4. Evaluation of the Operability of the "Can Padró" Training Center. Can Padró
Training Center. 1989
5. Safety in the Passage Boats. Design of the Course for Trasmediterránea. 1989
6. Preliminary Project of the Fighting and Survival Training Center in the Bamio Sea. Social Institute of the Marine.1990
1.3 and EURET 2.4, as a researcher of CETEMAR S.A. Brussels. 1990
8. Safety Checklist for Merchant Ships. DG-V Luxembourg. 1991-1992
9. EUREKA / PROJECT HALIOS / SUBPROJECT 91.Ergonomy and Safety in the Life Conditions on Board. DG-V, Luxembourg.
10. Maritime Transport Program in Central America during the 1990s. EEC, DG-VII. 1991
11. Technical Assistance for the Design, Project and Study Development of the Operability for a Training Center for Firefighting and Survival
at Sea in Jovellanos, Gijón. General Directorate of the Merchant Marine (DGMM). 1991
12. Investigation on Maritime Casualties. DGMM, 1991-1992
13. Calculation of stresses in structural elements of the ship subject to the action of fire.
DGMM, 1991-1992
14. Computer program to determine emergency procedures in episodes with dangerous goods. SYSGASA, La Coruña, 1992
15. General plan of action in situations of risk in ports. INSETRA, Barcelona 1992
16. Mechanical training
course for apprentices in mechanical ship maintenance. EL FAR, Barcelona, 1994-1995
17. Sports and recreational nautical applications of the final sections of the Besòs river and the coastal area of San Adrián. Barcelona
Regional. Metropolitan Urban Development and Infrastructure, S.A. 1995
18. Coordinator of Port Operations. NEPTUNE Consortium, DG-VII, Brussels. 1995-1999
19. Development of methodologies applied to the analysis of accidents. Identification of
the types of failures, development of solutions. DG-VII A4 6.4.1 / 36, Concerted Action. 1995-1999
20. Legal Opinion on Public Stowage and Unloading Services of the Catalan Ports. Comissió de Ports of the Generalitat de Catalunya, 1996
Maneuver study of entry and exit for boats of length 20 m in Cantabrian ports. EUROPRINCIPIA, S.L., 1996
22. Analysis of the consequences of accidental spills of hydrocarbons in the Tarragonés coast, caused by ships. REPSOL EXPLOITATION, 1996
23. Determination of the legal framework of the Stowage Company (Esticat). Comissió de Ports of the Generalitat de Catalunya. 1996
24. Safety and emergency management. CAN PADRÓ, 1996
25. Opinion on amendments to
the Law of Ports and Merchant Marine and new management powers in the autonomous community. Comissió de Ports of the Generalitat de Catalunya, 1996
26. Study and Evaluation of the Necessary Measures for Maneuver and Movement of Ships in Port:
Technical Specifications of the Indirect Port Management Services. Application to the Ports of Palamós, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Vilanova and Sant Carlos de la Ràpita. Comissió de Ports de la Generalitat de Catalunya, 1996-1997
Specific training for the prevention and firefighting services in their intervention on ships during their stay in ports. Fire Department of Barcelona, 1997-1998
28. Technical prescriptions for the study of characteristics and behavior of hydrocarbon
containment barriers. State Society of Maritime Rescue and Safety (SASEMAR), 1997
29. -WA-96-CA. 191 Bertranc Concerted Action. Marine Casualty Analysis. Brussels, 1996-1999
30. PHOENIX. Identification and study of the variables and parameters
in the human field that are influential in the assessment of fire risk in ships. CE-DG VII A4 6.4.1 / 36, PL: PL97-2201, 1997-1999
31. Evaluation of the fishing effort and dynamics of the fleets through ARPA and GIS. Interministerial Commission of Science
and Technology (CICYT), 1997-2000
32. Design of a Simulated Model for the Optimization of Lighting and Beacon Projects of Ships and Ports. Ministry of Development, 1997
33. Integrated Expert System to Determine the Environmental
and Safety Consequences of the Approach between Ships (SABOR). Ministry of Industry and Energy (ATYCA Project), 1997-2000
34. Technical project of beaconing of the floating facilities for the cultivation of sea bass from the port of Roses. Brotherhood
of Fishermen of Roses, 1997
35. Characterization of marine currents around the port of Barcelona. Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona.1998
36. Development of Contents as a Model Guide to the Particular Regulations for Pilotage. Ministry of
Development. 1998
37. Study on Safe Mooring of Ships. DGMM, 1998
38. Subcontracting of tests of materials and fabrics of life vests for homologations. Integrated Maritime Safety Center Jovellanos, 1998-2000
39. Identification and analysis
of the influence of the seaway (Ports and Ships) in the casuistry of organized crime. European Commission.Task Force for Cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs. Police and Customs, 1998-2000
40. Campaign for the dissemination and dissemination
of GMDSS in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia (fishing and sports ports). DGMM, 1999
41. Maritime and Multimodal Transport Engineering. Thematic Network nº 00369, BOE nº 27 of 31.01.01 Spanish Agency of Ibero-American Cooperation (AECI),
42. Application of high-speed vessels to the development of short sea shipping (SSS) in the Spanish Mediterranean. Ministry of Development, 2001
43. Public order security on passenger ships. Ministry of Development, 2002
44. Technical
approach to the variable "marine currents" in marine pollution contingencies. Ministry of Public Works, 2003
45. Definition and analysis of the minimum contents of maritime contingency plans (pollution). Ministry of Public Work, 2003
46. Quality
management in maritime port-fishing activities. Thematic Network nº c / 0099/03. AECI, 2003-2005
47. Maritime safety in the Mediterranean Sea. Restricted invitation to tender No. IV / 2003/12/01. European Parliament. Directorate General for Research.,
48. Methodology and programmatic framework for the development of port facility protection plans (PPIP). State Public Ports of the State, 2003-2004
49. Industrial Research for the development of a new logistics system for container
location in real time. Accreditation Agency in research, development and technological innovation (AIDIT), 2004
50. Harmonization of organizational schemes in emergencies of the different regulations applicable to ships (ISPS). Ministry of Development,
51. Coordination in the intervention on board of the state security forces and bodies in the caseload of the ISPS code. Ministry of Development, 2004
52. Prevention and resolution of bomb threats on ships, especially passenger ships. Ministry
of Development, 2004
53. The ISPS and the Port Ordinances. Ministry of Development, 2004
54. Optimization by mathematical methods of SAR trajectories. Ministry of Development, 2006
55. BAIP Project. Intelligent multi-purpose fishing. CENIT
program. 2007-2010
Towing | “HERMANOS TOUZA” | Mar | 1992 |
Maneuovre | “CANMAR VENTURE” | Valencia | 1993 |
Maneuovre | “ROBERT MAERSK” | Tarragona | 1993 |
Maneuovre | “K-GIORGIOS” | S.F. Guixols | 1995 |
Maneuovre | “BALEARES” | Adriático | 1995 |
Collision | “PLAYA DORADA” vs “COLORAO” | Barcelona | 1995 |
Aground | “DORIS VII” | L’Escala | 1995 |
Collision | “IZLE” | S.F. Guixols | 1995 |
Safety | “PUERTO DE SANTOÑA” | Valencia | 1995 |
Collision | “SKODSBORG” vs “PLAYA ALTEA II” | Mar | 1996 |
Collision | “STOLT AVENIR” vs “CIUDAD DE SALAMANCA” | Barcelona | 1996 |
Seguridad | “VOLGO BALT 157” | Valencia | 1996 |
Naufragio | “BILSEL I” | Mar | 1996 |
Towing | “NARJANA”/”MILMAK II” | Mar | 1996 |
Maneuovre | “CANMAR VENTURE” | Valencia | 1997 |
Collision | “ALEMANIA EXPRESS” | Santurce | 1997 |
Collision | “MEDGLORY” | Valencia | 1997 |
Colisión | “SAC MÁLAGA” | Sevilla | 1997 |
Collision | “PEDRA DO NAVÍO” vs “MAYI-UNO” | La Coruña | 1998 |
Towing | “GEMA B” | Barcelona | 1998 |
Shipwreak | “LIBERTA” | Mar | 1998 |
Collision | “MINERAL EUROPE” | Gijón | 1998 |
Collision | “PUMARESA” vs “LE GRAND SCHTROUMPF” | Mar | 1999 |
Collision | “R. DE FORMENTERA” vs “R. ALGECIRAS” | Ibiza | 1999 |
Collision | “CONSTELLATION” vs “FORMENTERA JET” | Ibiza | 1999 |
Collision | “JUANA ELVIRA” vs “RAMONA PAN” | Mar | 1999 |
Safety | “CONSTELLATION” | Mar | 2000 |
Safety | “TERTIUM MILLENIUM” | Barcelona | 2000 |
Aground | “ISLA DE TAGOMAGO” | Denia | 2000 |
Collision | “MAR ROCÍO” vs “SKS TRINITY” | Gibraltar | 2001 |
Collision | “LIMA” vs “AURES” | Arousa | 2001 |
Towing | “CAPELLA C” | Barcelona | 2001 |
Collision | “STABLE DUCKLING” vs “ROCÍO B” | Algeciras | 2002 |
Fire | “MARÍA TERESA RODRÍGUEZ” | Las Palmas | 2002 |
Aground | “PACIFIC ACADIAN” | Las Palmas | 2002 |
Collision | “LOS TRES” vs “MANUEL AZAÑA” | Ibiza | 2002 |
Fire | “ASIAN CHORUS” | Mar | 2002 |
Collision | “METANOL” vs “RÍO CASTALLA” | Mar | 2002 |
Towing | “ANNELEEN KNUTSEN” | Gijón | 2002 |
Collision | “MAPOSA NOVENO” vs “NDS PROMINENCE” | Mar | 2003 |
Collision | “SERTOSA XXIV” vs “CALA PEVERO” | Mar | 2003 |
Aground | “GORAY K” | Cantábrico | 2003 |
Collision | “RUTH BORCHARD” vs “ESTE” | Finisterre | 2003 |
Shipwreak | “CABO DE GATA II” | Alborán | 2003 |
Collision | “LIPETSK” | Ceuta | 2004 |
Collision | “ZUBEROA” vs “ALMADRABA UNO” | Abidjan | 2004 |
Shipwreak | “ISURUS I” | Pontevedra | 2004 |
Aground | “CAPE JUPITER” | Las Palmas | 2004 |
Collision | “NDS PROMINENCE” vs “MAPOSA 9” | Mar | 2004 |
Safety | “LAPAD” | Avilés | 2004 |
Aground | “ROSALIA D’AMATO” | La Coruña | 2005 |
Fire | “EAST EXPRESS” | Cádiz | 2005 |
Collision | “RIMAL 2” vs “VILACHAN” | Mar | 2005 |
Collision | “TOURO DOS” vs “WISDOM” | Mar | 2005 |
Collision | “J.J. SISTER” vs “TARIFA” | Tenerife | 2005 |
Safety | “WADJI ARAB” | Mar | 2005 |
Collision | “AVEMAR DOS” vs “ATLAS” | Gibraltar | 2005 |
Fire | “MARINA BOTAFOC” | Ibiza | 2005 |
Collision | “ARROXAPE” vs “INTERTUNA” | Mar | 2007 |
Safety | “MAJESTIC” | Tarragona | 2007 |
Collision | “IRAN HAMZEH” | Carboneras | 2008 |
Collision | “LUCÍA B” vs “ISLETA SEGUNDA” | Mar | 2008 |
Aground | “DIMITRIOS S” | Las Palmas | 2009 |
Towing | “ALTERSHIP” | Mar | 2009 |
Collision | “GERMANS GIL” vs “LILLI II” | Mar | 2009 |
Collision | “MONNERON” | Bilbao | 2009 |
Shipwreak | “SAVINOSA” | Tarragona | 2009 |
Safety | “SHENZHEN” | Algeciras | 2009 |
Collision | “CAP ARNAUTI” vs “SON DE MAR” | Mar | 2009 |
Collision | “STOLT CAPABILITY | Málaga | 2009 |
Safety | “RESACA DE KIMBERLEY” | Barcelona | 2010 |
Shipwreak | “PRESTIGE” (perito judicial) | Mar | 2010 |
Collision | “ELISA B” | Valencia | 2010 |
Collision | “OPDR CÁDIZ” | Sevilla | 2011 |
Collision | “MILENIUM DOS” vs “NEW GLORY” | Gibraltar | 2012 |
Collision | “BLUMARLIN” | Valencia | 2012 |
Safety | “BARHOM II” vs “MAERSK NORFOLK” | Palos | 2016 |
Safety | “ABEL MATUTES” | Barcelona | 2016 |
Collision | “ELISA B” | Valencia | 2017 |
Safety | “MSC SONIA” | Valencia | 2017 |
Collision | "MIDVOLGA" vs "EL FAIRELL" | Barcelona | 2017 |
Collision | "ISLETA TERCERA" | Mar- Altea | 2017 |
Maneuovre | “CELANOVA" | Barcelona | 2017 |
Collision | "INTERLINK UTILITY" | Tarragona | 2017 |
Collision | “H. CAYUELA DOS” vs “FIGUERAS | Barcelona | 2017 |
Abordaje | “DON MARIO” vs “MIRELUR” | Ecuador | 2017 |
Aground | CAJONERO “AGRONAUTA” | Málaga | 2017 |
Collision | “LA FERROSA” vs “SAN BENITO” | Barcelona | 2018 |
Shipwreak | SHIPS OF K-MARINE | Gran Tarajal | 2018 |
1. Safety Check List for Fishing Vessels. Barcelona, July 1989. Legal Deposit: B-32152-89 of the Intellectual
Property Registry.
2. Safety Check List for Merchant Ships. Barcelona, October 1989. Legal Deposit: B-38447-89 of the Intellectual Property Registry.
3. Approach of the Work Scheme for the Design of the Preventive Equipment of the Risks by Flushing
of the Fishing Train in the Fishing Vessels. Barcelona, December, 1989. Legal Deposit: B-45576-89 of the Registry of Intellectual Property.
4. Checklist for the Determination of Workload and Painful Positions in Fishing Vessels. Barcelona, December,
1989. Legal Deposit: B-45577-89 of the Intellectual Property Registry.
Barcelona, 2019